The man on the cover of Latency, the first single for Foundation, is my uncle Rui Solon.
Photographed in 1982 for a casting in Brazil, for a film where he didn’t get the role. He never became an actor or model. He studied architeture. 10 years later, living in Rio, Rui would be infected with HIV. Around that time, I was born. Rui’s life, sexuality and death have been a long mystery to me. He died in 2009, taking his own life after living in isolation for many years. Still today, his life and his death are taboo in my family, as in so many families, unable to openly discuss queerness and suicide.
A few years ago, I started interviewing people he knew and loved. The resulting stories form the songs of the album FOUNDATION, from which LATENCY is the first single. For the album cover, I play different family members in a fictionalized family portrait.